Out from the nations

back to

the Holy Land

About Us

This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. Ezekiel 37:21 (NIV)

aliyaholim.org is started by us; believers who trust in the God of Father Abraham. We believe He is a covenant keeping God who would bring His children back from all parts of the world to Israel, the land that He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

We felt the call of God to help assist His children return to the holy land, Israel. So we have set up this aliyaholim.org website to help facilitate this move. Making Aliyah can be challenging as it affects an Oleh and his family emotionally, psychologically, socially and financially.

It is also full of anxiety and uncertainty. We hope that through this website and our Making Aliyah app, we can help in whatever way we can to make your Aliyah experience as smooth and as stress free as possible. We hope to assist you in acclimating to the Israeli society by providing whatever help we can and by pointing you to the various Aliyah Olim organizations that can help you.

We do our best to keep the information on this site as up to date as possible but since 3rd party linked websites appear often for your convenience, we cannot guarantee their accuracy. We suggest that you do some research before making use of their services and paying for any products that they may offer.

Our Mission:

  • Empower

Jews overseas to make Aliyah to the promised land-Israel.

Olim via timely access to information and referral services, grants and support

  • Enhance

Olim's employment, housing, education, healthcare options

  • Engage

Olim and family to become integral members of the Israeli society

  • Emphasize

Olim's uniqueness and intrinsic value