Up from the ashes, hope will arise

AliyahOlim.org's mission is to organise the Aliyah Olim information and make it universally accessible and useful to all who are intending to make Aliyah and those who have become Olim.


Aliyaholim.org seeks to help Jews all over the world make Aliyah to Israel, the land of their fathers. It brings the different partners; the government of Israel and the various Aliyah and Olim support organisations together to share their knowledge, support and programmes, striving towards a common goal of helping all Jews abroad make Aliyah and settle in the holy land.

Making Aliyah

As making Aliyah can be overwhelming, stressful and time consuming, we have started this website aliyaholim.org and a mobile app called Making Aliyah to provide whatever assistance we can.

On this aliyaholim.org, are listed the links to various Israeli government departments and nonprofit organizations to help you in your making Aliyah decision and to support you to settle as Olim in Israel; so that you won't end up returning to your home country in frustration. The sites have information for all your FAQs about Aliyah and Olim ---Aliyah procedures, finance, housing, employment, healthcare, education, legal aid, Olim benefits, rights, rental assistance, income tax, property tax, Hebrew learning and other aspects of acclimation into the Israeli society.

The Making Aliyah app is free and you can access most of the above listed sites on the go, via your handphone 24/7, anywhere and anytime.

These listings are not exhaustive and along the way, we will update this site and our Making Aliyah app to keep you informed.

We do not list every government department or Aliyah and Olim support agency here because there are so many of them. But you can easily find most of them within those linked sites. We hope that aliyaholim.org will help ease your 'burden' a little as they are just so many things that you need to handle while adjusting to life in Israel.